Sunday, March 02, 2008


Ugh. I've been struggling for almost a week now with what I thought was a chest cold, but turned out to be bacterial bronchitis.

I haven't been out too much, but did manage to get to worship and preach today. Not my best; I was more than a little crispy. I found myself wishing I'd made other arrangements. Nevertheless, I am now on an antibiotic and a strong cough syrup and hope to be on the mend soon.

Thank God I haven't had any trouble relieving myself.


  1. Hey dude...sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. Give me a call and we'll convalesce together. I'm praying for ya!

  2. I see that you've decided to give up something for Lent...specifically, your health!!

    Heal quickly, bud, and heal well. I'm sorry that you have been struggling.

  3. I was just about to ask what "recuperating" meant in the previous post - but I see you've been sick. Hope you're feeling strong soon. Prayers for you and the family.
